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Showing posts from 2012

LCD Interfacing with 8051 in 4 bit mode : assembly tutorial

Hello friends, in this tutorial we are going to interface LCD with 8051 microcontroller but in 4 bit mode. we already interfaced LCD with 8051 in 8 bit and also done scrolling of text in previous tutorials.

8051 microcontroller - JUMPs and LOOPs

In this 8051 microcontroller tutorial we discuss JUMP and CALL instructions. In previous tutorials we learn about MOV and ADD instruction and how to use them with registers as well as memory locations. but some time you need to take decision between two state or you need to jump some of code, or may be you need to call a subroutine(function). In that case you need some special instruction which make our task very simple and

How to make IR Sensor Modules using comparator

Knowledge of sensors are very essential part of robotics.And IR sensor  is very useful if you are tying to make a obstacle avoider robot or a line follower. In this post we are going to make a simple IR sensor which can detect a object around 6-7 cm. or you can change range of sensor to 1-2 cm if you are using for line follower.

8051 tutorial part:3 - Memory, Data Type and Directive

In this tutorial we will talk about Types of Memory, RAM, bit addressable RAM and how to use it. then we will cover  8051 data type and assembler directive, need of directives and their effect on program. And  how to use them in program with the help of some short program.

8051 Tutorial-2: Registers

Register are the most important part of microcontroller so it is necessary  to understand  different type of registers of microcontroller and their work. the registers of microcontroller can be a general purpose register or a special function register ( SRF ). special function register control  special functionality of 8051 microcontroller like input/ouput port, serial port, timer, interrupt etc. here we only discus only some of them which as necessary to start writing code.

How To Use keil uVision 4 IDE - Project Setup, Debug And Simulation

In this tutorial i am going to show you how to setup your project  in Keil for 8051 (AT89s51) to simulate and debug your code. This is one of the most important tutorial for beginner who just start learning 8051. Because Keil is the best IDE to compile,debug and simulate your program.  And most of 8051 programmer you this tool so you get lot of help about this on internet. In this tutorial i use Keil v4.0 but it is same for all version or you can download lates trail version from here

Multiplex 4 Seven Segment Display With 8051 In Assembly

Multiplexing is very essential part while working with 8051 because of its limited number of ports. which offer 32 pins for connecting external devices. 32 seems large but when you working with seven segment, keypad, LCD, ADC etc. or if you project have many parts to operate simultaneously then you definitely need to multiplex some of ports.

how to get 7805 in multisim - Replacement of 7805 in multisim

  finding some parts in multisim is really tough work because multisim  not provide all general purpose component like 7085 and other voltage regulator. one more  bad information is that manufacturer of these component also not provide any PSPICE because output of these component are predetermined and not changed according to the circuit.

How the GPS - 'Global Positioning System' works

Today's many mobile comes with GPS Global Positioning System, but the question comes in mind that how it works and how they calculate the position accurately without sending any data to satellite, lets understand the concept and working of GPS Global Positioning System satellites transmit signals to equipment on the ground. GPS receivers passively receive satellite signals; they do not transmit. GPS receivers require an unobstructed view of the sky, so they are used only outdoors and they often do not perform well within forested areas or near tall buildings. GPS operations depend on a very accurate time reference, which is provided by atomic clocks at the U.S. Naval Observatory. Each GPS satellite has atomic clocks on board. GPS constellation     Each GPS satellite transmits data that indicates its location and the current time. All GPS satellites synchronize operations so that these repeating signals are transmitted at the same instant. The signal...

8051 microcontroller tutorial - an introduction to 8051 family

The most commonly used set of microcontrollers belong to 8051 Family. 8051 Microcontrollers continue to remain a preferred choice for a vast community of hobbyists and professionals. Through 8051, the world became witness to the most revolutionary set of microcontrollers.

How LCD ( liquid crystal display ) works

LCDs are most common part of our day to day life. we can see it in computer, laptops, digital clocks, mobiles and many other electronics devices. LCDs are common because they offer some real advantages over other display technologies. They are thinner and lighter and draw much less power than cathode ray tubes (CRTs)

Tutorial for Scroll text on 16x2 LCD with 8051 Microcontroller in c

In our last tutorial we interface 2x16 LCD with 8051 in assembly, now lets display some scrolling text on LCD. it is very useful because generally we have a long text to display and a 2x16 LCD display only 16 character at a time.

CMOS 4000 series ICs

In many projects circuits IC's CD4017, CD4026, CD4026 CD4511 etc are used. they all are comes under 4000 ICs series which is a CMOS (complimentary metal oxide semiconductor) based ICs. it is widely used in instruments, projects.. because it have low power consumption (µW) , drive up to 50 CMOS, 74HC, 74HTC inputs and operated between 3 to 15V power supply range.some most common ICs are listed here with pin diagram and description and their uses.

how to make Decade Counter Using 4017

counters are used in most of all digital devices like digital clock, camera, CD/DVD recorder, mobiles etc. to count sequence in the form of pulse. and many project required a counter for counting sequence according to need of project. So in this part we are going to make a Decade Counter using CD4017 IC

LCD interfacing with 8051 in assembly

Liquid Crystal Display also called as LCD is very helpful in providing user interface as well as for debugging purpose. The most common type of LCD controller is HITACHI 44780 which provides a simple interface between the controller & an LCD.  

How to use c language in multisim for 8051

Multisim is best simulator for electronics circuits and MCU devices with high accuracy. but there is a problem for microcontroller with mutisim, that is they  not give any user manual for 8051 with c language. this post give a basic idea how to use c language in multisim for 805x mcu devices.