In many projects circuits IC's CD4017, CD4026, CD4026 CD4511 etc are used. they all are comes under 4000 ICs series which is a CMOS (complimentary metal oxide semiconductor) based ICs. it is widely used in instruments, projects.. because it have low power consumption (µW) , drive up to 50 CMOS, 74HC, 74HTC inputs and operated between 3 to 15V power supply range.some most common ICs are listed here with pin diagram and description and their uses.
general characteristics
- supply: 4000 can be operated between 3 to 15V (max 18V), small fluctuations are tolerated.
- Inputs: have very high impedance (resistance),make it good to use but due to high impedance it can pic up noise easily which work as input. This is likely to make the IC behave erratically and it will significantly increase the supply current. To prevent problems all unused inputs MUST be connected to the supply (either +Vs or 0V), this applies even if that part of the IC is not being used in the circuit!
- Outputs: can sink and source about 1mA if you wish to maintain the correct output voltage to drive CMOS inputs. If there is no need to drive any inputs the maximum current is about 5mA with a 6V supply, or 10mA with a 9V supply (just enough to light an LED). To switch larger currents you can connect a transistor.
- Fan-out: One output can drive up to 50 CMOS, 74HC, 74HCT inputs but only one 74LS
- Gate propagation delay: typically 30ns for a signal to travel through a gate with a 9V supply, it takes a longer time at lower supply voltages.
- Frequency: Can be operated up to 1MHz, but for higher range of frequency 74xx series is better option (25 to 35MHz).
- Power consumption: for 4000 series it is very low, a few µW. It is much greater at high frequencies, a few mW at 1MHz for example.
NOTE: when IC terminal work if applied input or output is at low voltage called "active-low"and shown by a bar on input or output and if work for high voltage, called "active-high"
quad 2-input
- 4001 quad 2-input NOR
- 4011 quad 2-input NAND
- 4030 quad 2-input EX-OR (now obsolete)
- 4070 quad 2-input EX-OR
- 4071 quad 2-input OR
- 4077 quad 2-input EX-NOR
- 4081 quad 2-input AND
- 4093 quad 2-input NAND with Schmitt trigger inputs
Triple 3-input gates
- 4023 triple 3-input NAND
- 4025 triple 3-input NOR
- 4073 triple 3-input AND
- 4075 triple 3-input OR
4000 dual 3-input NOR gate and NOT gate
Two 3-input NOR gates and a single NOT gate in one package.
NC = No Connection (a pin that is not used)Decade and 4-bit Counter
4017 decade counter [1 to 10]
4017 count applied input pulse on pin on. 14 when goes to high (on the rising-edge), which may be an clock pulse or output of sensorOne output (from Q0-Q9) high at a time for corresponding count and rest are at low volt.
reset (active high): for normal count reset should be low and to reset counter at 0 a high pulse applied to reset pin.
Disable (active high): Disable counter when high and counter disabled until a low pulse is applied, during disable high counter ignore input clock pulse
÷10 output: high for 0-4 and low for 5-9, so it provide a frequency=(clock frequency)/10. it is use as carry for next counter stage
Note: To count less then 9, output is directly supplied to reset pin (example: we want to count 0 to 6, then Q7 output is connected to reset pin) to reset counter to zero.
Project:Build Decade Counter using CD4017
4026 decade counter with 7-segment display driver
The 4026, count applied input pulse on pin on.1 when goes to high (on the rising-edge), which may be an clock pulse or output of sensor The outputs a-g go high to light the appropriate segments of a common-cathode 7-segment display as the counter state. The maximum output current is about 1mA with a 4.5V supply and 4mA with a 9V supply. This is sufficient to directly drive many 7-segment LED displays.
reset (active high): for normal count reset should be low and to reset counter at 0 a high pulse applied to reset pin
Disable (active high): Disable counter when high and counter disabled until a low pulse is applied during disable high counter ignore input clock pulse
Enable display (active high): The enable display input should be high (+Vs) for normal operation. When low it makes outputs a-g low, giving a blank display.
÷10 output: high for 0-4 and low for 5-9, so it provide a frequency=(clock frequency)/10. it is use as carry for next counter stage
4029 up/down synchronous counter with preset
The 4029 is a synchronous counter so its outputs change precisely together on each clock pulse. This is helpful if you need to connect the outputs to logic gates because it avoids the glitches which occur with ripple counters.The count occurs as the clock input becomes high (on the rising-edge).
up/down: input determines the direction of counting: high for up, low for down. The state of up/down should be changed when the clock is high.
preset: Low for normal operation (counting), high to preset (it preset the counter on the state of A-D input)
Carry in: used if you make chain of counter to count higher no.
binary/decade: High for 4-bit binary counter (0-15) and low for decade counter (0-9)
Inputs A-D:The counter may be preset by placing the desired binary number on the inputs A-D and briefly making the preset input high. There is no reset input, but preset can be used to reset the count to zero if inputs A-D are all low
4510 up/down decade (0-9) counter with preset
4516 up/down 4-bit (0-15) counter with preset
These are synchronous counters so their outputs change precisely together on each clock pulse. This is helpful if you need to connect their outputs to logic gates because it avoids the glitches which occur with ripple counters
Clock: when applied clock go low to high (on the rising-edge), count occur
Up/Down: if high counter increased and if low counter decrease
carry out: generate carry for next counter use when counter reached to highest count and reset to zero;
preset, reset and carry: for normal operation these should be low (work is same as previous)
Note: clock input should be low to preset the counter
Connecting synchronous counters in a chain
The diagram below shows how to link synchronous counters, notice how all the clock (CK) inputs are linked. Carry out (CO) feeds carry in (CI) of the next counter. Carry in (CI) of the first counter should be low for 4029, 4510 and 4516 counters.
4518 dual decade (0-9) counter
4520 dual 4-bit (0-15) counter
They contain two separate synchronous counter on a single chip. all the input and output work same as explained in last countersTo count less then maximum count (9 or 15), out put is connecting to reset to set counter to zero through gates (if required)
Note: as you see it not have any carry output and input so a special arrangement are used to connect more than counter in series as shown in fig.
4028 BCD to decimal (1 of 10) decoder
The appropriate output Q0-9 becomes high in response to the BCD (binary coded decimal) input. For example an input of binary 0101 (=5) will make output Q5 high and all other outputs lowThe 4028 is a BCD (binary coded decimal) decoder intended for input values 0 to 9 (0000 to 1001 in binary). With inputs from 10 to 15 (1010 to 1111 in binary) all outputs are low.
Note that the 4028 can be used as a 1-of-8 decoder if input D is held low.
7-segment Display Drivers
4511 BCD to 7-segment display driver
The outputs a-g go high to light the appropriate segments of a common-cathode 7-segment display as the counter state. 4511 can source up to 25mA current. The 7-segment display segments must be connected between the outputs and 0V with a resistor in series (330ohm with a 5V supply). A common cathode display is required. Display test: Display test is active low and when low, all segments of 7-segment glow( showing 8)
Blank Input: when low, All segment are off and showing nothing ( used if many 7-segment are connected to count more then 1(like 100) and when counter show 001 then first two 7-segment use blank input to show only 1,
Store: The store input should be low for normal operation. When store is high the displayed number is stored internally to give a constant display regardless of any changes which may occur to the inputs A-D
The 4511 is intended for BCD (binary coded decimal). Inputs values from 10 to 15 (1010 to 1111 in binary) will give a blank display (all segments off)
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