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CMOS 4000 series ICs


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LCD Interfacing with 8051 in 4 bit mode : assembly tutorial

Hello friends, in this tutorial we are going to interface LCD with 8051 microcontroller but in 4 bit mode. we already interfaced LCD with 8051 in 8 bit and also done scrolling of text in previous tutorials.

Tutorial for Scroll text on 16x2 LCD with 8051 Microcontroller in c

In our last tutorial we interface 2x16 LCD with 8051 in assembly, now lets display some scrolling text on LCD. it is very useful because generally we have a long text to display and a 2x16 LCD display only 16 character at a time.

Multiplex 4 Seven Segment Display With 8051 In Assembly

Multiplexing is very essential part while working with 8051 because of its limited number of ports. which offer 32 pins for connecting external devices. 32 seems large but when you working with seven segment, keypad, LCD, ADC etc. or if you project have many parts to operate simultaneously then you definitely need to multiplex some of ports.