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Showing posts from May, 2012

How to make IR Sensor Modules using comparator

Knowledge of sensors are very essential part of robotics.And IR sensor  is very useful if you are tying to make a obstacle avoider robot or a line follower. In this post we are going to make a simple IR sensor which can detect a object around 6-7 cm. or you can change range of sensor to 1-2 cm if you are using for line follower.

8051 tutorial part:3 - Memory, Data Type and Directive

In this tutorial we will talk about Types of Memory, RAM, bit addressable RAM and how to use it. then we will cover  8051 data type and assembler directive, need of directives and their effect on program. And  how to use them in program with the help of some short program.

8051 Tutorial-2: Registers

Register are the most important part of microcontroller so it is necessary  to understand  different type of registers of microcontroller and their work. the registers of microcontroller can be a general purpose register or a special function register ( SRF ). special function register control  special functionality of 8051 microcontroller like input/ouput port, serial port, timer, interrupt etc. here we only discus only some of them which as necessary to start writing code.

How To Use keil uVision 4 IDE - Project Setup, Debug And Simulation

In this tutorial i am going to show you how to setup your project  in Keil for 8051 (AT89s51) to simulate and debug your code. This is one of the most important tutorial for beginner who just start learning 8051. Because Keil is the best IDE to compile,debug and simulate your program.  And most of 8051 programmer you this tool so you get lot of help about this on internet. In this tutorial i use Keil v4.0 but it is same for all version or you can download lates trail version from here

Multiplex 4 Seven Segment Display With 8051 In Assembly

Multiplexing is very essential part while working with 8051 because of its limited number of ports. which offer 32 pins for connecting external devices. 32 seems large but when you working with seven segment, keypad, LCD, ADC etc. or if you project have many parts to operate simultaneously then you definitely need to multiplex some of ports.