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how to get 7805 in multisim - Replacement of 7805 in multisim

 finding some parts in multisim is really tough work because multisim  not provide all general purpose component like 7085 and other voltage regulator. one more  bad information is that manufacturer of these component also not provide any PSPICE because output of these component are predetermined and not changed according to the circuit.

I also tried too much on internet and in multisim component database to get ICs like this earlier , Because these used in each   project. But i get these after working some months with multisim. So instead getting replacement of 7805 we are going to create it.

First Method:

one solution is that i use a Three Pin Connector and use it according to my own assumption of pins working (in real they work nothing).
But what about its footprint because connector's footprint is not same as a 3 pin voltage regulator. The solution of this is that i change the holes location of connector's footprint according to dimension of original 7805 by using this yellow highlighted button.

multisim setting

My design looks like this ( it is only an example ) "click on any image to zoom"

where is 7805 in multisim
click to zoom

Second Method:

The second and best solution is that we make a new component. which can be used without changing any time.
note: here we are making component for footprint only not for simulation

Step 1:

goto menu tools>component wizard and click in multisim design
a dialog box appear to fill some detail

7805 footprint

fill name and other detail according to you but choose Layout only ( footprint ) because we need only footprint

Step 2:

click on next and choose single section component, no. of pins=3 and click on "select a footprint"

add 7805 im multisim

 A new dialog box appear

  • select "master database" at Database name and click on "Filter" button 
  • a new box appear click on "Add row" button ( a new filter condition added )
  • select "footprint " in Column, "contain" in Operator and type "TO-220" in Value. 

why TO-220: because each component have one or more  package type and 7805 have "TO-220"
 (look in data sheet)

7805 in multisim database

you get many footprint in select a footprint window and select second footprint

7805 setup

Step 3:

click on next, you get new window in which a symbol is show with ANSI selected
here you can edit you component or you can use as shown
after little editing my component look like some thing like this
( To edit: click and drag your pins where you want to place in you design )

edit 7805 footprint in multisim
after editing

Step 4:

you can leave this as comes but if you want to change you can use as show

Step 5:

select pins as shown by clicking  in "Footprint pins"

Step 6:

click on  user database > add family > type family name"regulator"> finish
a new family added in user database with name regulator
add 7805 to multisim 12

and finally we make a new component you can get this by selecting "user database" in "select a component"

missing 7805 in multisim

if you face any problem feel free to use comment box.
please share the post if it help you a little and give  a +1,  thanx for reading


  1. I had exactly the same problem... Couldn't find the 7805CV, as I'm a new user I didnt know multisim yet. I thank you very much for your post ! It worked like a charm.

    I had to search a while when I was editing the symbol to get the numbers placed right. Especially with the resizing of the rectangle. Be sure to RESIZE BOUNDARY BOX or you will be stuck with pins being placed out of the new size.

  2. thanks for considering it useful. you are right about editing symbol, it takes time to get familiar with symbol editor. Try each tool you get what they exactly does. thanx..


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