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Showing posts from February, 2012

how to get 7805 in multisim - Replacement of 7805 in multisim

  finding some parts in multisim is really tough work because multisim  not provide all general purpose component like 7085 and other voltage regulator. one more  bad information is that manufacturer of these component also not provide any PSPICE because output of these component are predetermined and not changed according to the circuit.

How the GPS - 'Global Positioning System' works

Today's many mobile comes with GPS Global Positioning System, but the question comes in mind that how it works and how they calculate the position accurately without sending any data to satellite, lets understand the concept and working of GPS Global Positioning System satellites transmit signals to equipment on the ground. GPS receivers passively receive satellite signals; they do not transmit. GPS receivers require an unobstructed view of the sky, so they are used only outdoors and they often do not perform well within forested areas or near tall buildings. GPS operations depend on a very accurate time reference, which is provided by atomic clocks at the U.S. Naval Observatory. Each GPS satellite has atomic clocks on board. GPS constellation     Each GPS satellite transmits data that indicates its location and the current time. All GPS satellites synchronize operations so that these repeating signals are transmitted at the same instant. The signal...

8051 microcontroller tutorial - an introduction to 8051 family

The most commonly used set of microcontrollers belong to 8051 Family. 8051 Microcontrollers continue to remain a preferred choice for a vast community of hobbyists and professionals. Through 8051, the world became witness to the most revolutionary set of microcontrollers.